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Proud mouths to the front!

Proud mouths to the front!

A heartfelt chat with our LGBTQIA+ employees

Due to the nature of our work at quip, we’re a little obsessed with mouths. 

Stick with us here. 

We’re obsessed with the mouth being the gateway to your body, and thus, your health. And we’re obsessed with what the mouth represents — hunger, thirst, expression, truth-telling, love. So much that makes us human begins or ends with the mouth. 

In celebration of Pride at quip, we sat down with a group of our employees to chat about how their mouths, daily routines, and self-expression practices have helped keep them grounded and guided on their path to living their truth as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

And yes, we’re obsessed with everything these proud mouths had to say! Read on to meet Rey, Justin, Alex, and Michaela, and follow along on social for more BTS of our in-office photoshoot. 

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Rey, Senior Copy Director

quip: Hi Rey — and happy pride! Thanks for taking some time out of your day to hang with us.  Let’s start by hearing a bit about your oral care routine!

Rey: Hi! Well, I strive for simplicity in every part of my life, oral care included. Knowing I get a dentist-recommended clean with quip (2 minutes, twice a day), checks the box on my smile, so I can put my best self forward and focus on other important things in my day. 

q: Right. It’s nice to not have to worry. Do you have any other habits that help you tend to that carefree nature?

R: Daily (in my head) dance party? As quip’s head of copy, I write across every media channel under the sun. Bopping to high-energy pop and EDM gets me *in the zone* to follow my passion and put my best self and voice on paper. I’m also a bit of an introvert, so music is the perfect outlet for me to let loose.

q: Fun! Music really is such a powerful channel for self-expression, which is essential to everyone’s wellbeing. Have you always felt like you could express yourself openly?

R: Not always. Growing up in a conservative state, I was pretty uncomfortable and insecure in my skin, worried that my voice, mannerisms, and actions would out me as a gay man. It’s taken a lot of time and life experience to be confident and proud of who I am. I’m still a work in progress (who isn’t?), but having loving family and friends (and my husband!) has helped tremendously.

q: Work in progress is very relatable. We’re so happy to hear you’ve felt supported and loved along the journey! What role has the broader LGBTQIA+ community played for you?

R: Thank you! The LGBTQIA+ community has reminded me that love is different for every person. It isn't (can’t possibly be) a one-size-fits-all concept, even for folks who identify as straight. I regularly remind myself to look at others with an open mind and heart. Until you take the time to really get to know someone, there’s no room for judgment or hate.

q: That’s right. Queerness is about so much more than relationships or even sexuality, it’s also about how we relate to and hold space for each other in general.

R: Yes. Listening and learning from other people’s experiences (without judgment or comparison) can create a much-needed safe space for LGBTQIA+ folks who need it. Feeling heard and seen makes a huge impact on our mental health, which connects to our overall health in so many ways.

q: And that’s exactly why it’s so important to normalize these conversations. All environments can benefit from being more inclusive and affirming. Is there anything you hope will change about LGBTQIA+ recognition in the workplace?

R: I’d love for the community to get the workplace recognition and equity it deserves across the country (and world), especially with medical coverage for partners and support for starting a family. Visibility is also key at every level of employment, and can inspire others who may view their sexual orientation as a disadvantage to following their dreams.

q: Aw, that’s very true. Authenticity can be an invitation! Thanks Rey. Will you send in the next proud mouth?



Justin, Senior Associate of Training & Quality

q: Hey Justin! Thanks for joining us. We were just talking to Rey about the importance of bringing LGBTQIA+ related conversations into more environments. Do you have any hopes for the future of queer representation, especially in the workplace? 

J: In general, I hope that representation extends beyond Pride Month. We’re all part of the LGBTQIA+ community year round, so conversations and such should be reflective of that.

q: Great point. That’s something we’ve been talking about a lot here at quip. After 3 years, we’re excited to *finally* bring our Smile With Pride Brush + Dispenser to our permanent oral care collection, so quipsters can build a personalized, affirming routine at any time of the year. Do you think your consistent, 365 days/year routines help you show up like yourself?

J: They definitely make a difference! When I achieved the confidence to fully be myself after so many years, I made a promise that I would always strive to be my best self. Especially when meeting new people, I focus on making an authentic first impression, the basics of which require taking care of my oral health, maintaining a great smile, and fresh breath. I am also doing some form of skincare routine, staying hydrated, and taking my daily vitamins and supplements. 

q: Beautifully said — no wonder you’re glowing! How does it feel to be yourself after all that time?

J: It is such a freeing experience, both mentally and physically. It can be stressful and takes a lot of energy to put on a different persona just to fit in or appease others. When I get to be who I am regardless of others' opinions, I get to use that energy instead to pursue things that make me happy and help me grow as an individual.

q: 100%. Conserving your energy as a queer person is crucial — especially now, when we’re still very much fighting for our fundamental human rights. Have you encountered instances where you’ve had to pour energy into issues that people might not be aware of?

J: Yes, that’s common for most in or allied with the community. In places where funded LGBTQIA+ related resources are non-existent or very scarce, we often have to turn to each other for basic information on health related issues. Because of the lack of resources, we are left on our own to defend rights crucial to equality and protection. However, the resources and rights we are defending are not always exclusive to our LGBTQIA+ identity. The things we advocate for often include women's equality, reproductive rights, sex education, and healthcare resources.

q: That’s real — the LGBTQIA+ fight is truly one based on securing and protecting equality for all. Thanks for hanging, Justin! Can you let Alex know we’re ready for him?



Alex, Data Analyst 

q: Alex! Hi. We appreciate you taking this time to share some of your story with us. We’re on the topic of intersectionality and advocacy within the queer community, and thinking about how important creativity and resourcefulness are to getting sh*t done. 

A: For sure. One strong instance of this is through community-based support networks, which provide critical information on things from accessible, inclusive healthcare to sharing resources to offering mutual aid. Together, we ensure everyone has access to basic resources, even when broader systems fail them.

Another important practice is the use of online platforms and social media to disseminate valuable health information and resources. Through these channels, community members share advice, recommend services, resources and information for gender-affirming care, and educate each other about health rights and available support, bridging gaps that systemic barriers create.

q: Right — community shows up in so many different ways. And staying connected is just as important as staying informed. It’s amazing how much the world at large can learn from the power of solidarity and the importance of creating inclusive, affirming environments.

A: I agree. Even mainstream healthcare systems can adopt these grassroots approaches by fostering more inclusive policies, training providers in cultural competency, and actively engaging with marginalized communities to better understand and meet their needs. By doing so, we can move closer to a world where everyone has equitable access to healthcare.

q: That’s definitely the world we’re all working toward. Having a shared vision is powerful — and as that comes to fruition, we’re happy to know that now, more than ever, people are interested in taking every aspect of their health, including daily habits, into their own hands. Can you speak to that in your personal life?

A: As a trans man, my daily habits are essential to supporting my authentic self-expression. In addition to maintaining good oral health, I have several other routines that help me feel grounded and true to myself.

One important habit is taking care of my appearance in a way that feels true to me. Taking the time to care for my skin and choose clothing that reflects my identity helps me present myself in a way that feels genuine and empowering. These small acts of self-care are affirmations of who I am.

Boxing at a queer-owned gym is another key part of my routine. Staying active not only keeps me physically healthy but also enhances my mental well-being. Training in an inclusive and supportive environment helps me connect with my body in a positive way, which is crucial for my self-esteem and overall happiness.

Lastly, I make time for reflection and self-care. Whether it's listening to music and taking a hot shower, going for a long walk with my dog and leaving the headphones at home, or simply taking a moment to breathe, these practices allow me to stay in touch with my inner self and navigate the world with confidence and authenticity.

Each of these habits plays a vital role in supporting my self-expression and allows me to embrace and celebrate my identity every day.

q: It’s beautiful to hear that your practice of nurturing small actions and habits has laddered up to a healthy flow of self-expression. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today, Alex! Happy Pride! 

Last, but certainly not least, let’s hear from Michaela. 



Michaela, Senior Associate of Sales Development

q: Hey Michaela :) Alex was just telling us about the role his daily habits play in supporting his confidence and self-expression. He mentioned boxing at a queer gym, and we know you love to work out as well, right?

M: Yes! My (whole body) skincare, haircare, and gym time are an important part of feeling my best. As I’ve gotten older it’s become about simplifying, but still making it a priority because it is an important part of my self-expression. When I feel healthy, I know that I can be my best self.

q: Can you tell us a bit more about how you show up as your best self?

M: I consider myself a pretty exuberant and extroverted person. I love to smile and be physically close to others. So the way my mouth/teeth look and feels (to me) is pretty significant. And it's not that I'm constantly checking or worried about the state of my mouth — I have a great oral care routine and tools that work for me that then allow me to be myself fully.

q: That’s great — and your smile is so well known and loved around here! How do you feel about LGBTQIA+ representation in the workplace, and is there anything you would change?

M: I think quip is very inclusive and open, but I know the same can’t be said for all workplaces. Allowing everyone to show up however they feel comfortable is very important. I also think just really listening to people('s feedback) goes a long way.

My hope would be that companies do training and share resources about inclusion (and do their best to be open and cultivate compassion), create a strong inclusion policy and community, normalize pronouns and use inclusive and gender-neutral language (ie. folks, people, partners, etc.), offer LGBTQIA+ benefits and so on.

q: Yeah, Rey also mentioned the importance of LGBTQIA+ benefits in addition to cultivating openness and compassion, which are pillars of LGBTQIA+ culture. 

M: Yes — not only do people physically stand up to protect each other, but I’m constantly in awe of the amount of emotional support that others give in this community; which is really difficult especially if you're already emotionally drained defending yourself. People are constantly so supportive and willing to give even if their cup isn't full.

q: It’s truly remarkable to see how resilient the community is. What is the one thing you think the world at large could learn from it?

M: That if it’s not hurting you, let people be whoever and do whatever they want. Love is love. The LGBTQIA+ community has shown me that love can and should look like whatever you want it to — it shouldn’t be placed into a box or have boundaries around it. There are many different kinds of love and we shouldn't put pressure, expectations, or place more importance on one kind of love over another. We should all be allowed to love and be loved for who and how we are.

q: Beautifully said! Thank you Michaela <3 



And thank you, dear reader — for adding quip to your pride festivities. We’re honored to work with such thoughtful, caring individuals, and to continue changing (for the better, always) alongside them and all of you. 

Happy Pride!

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